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sabato 17 agosto 2024


Loro Them by Michele Bertoni artista
Loro/Them . Madre e Figlia, 2024

I'm so thrilled to let you know that something new is going to be reveiled, dudes! Some Sun-lovers paintings are coming to the light, are coming from my old pencils, brushes and watercolors! I feel so excited!

domenica 5 maggio 2024

La Meravigliosa Busta di Messer Ulisse

la meraviglio busta di messer ulisse michele bertoni

World has been raped out by two of most blooding wars of the last 80 years! Ukraine and Palestine are totaly distroyed! What's a pity for the human being! Still war in 2024! Humanity never learn the lesson! I'm feeling really sad and depressed! Suddenly, Emergency and the Incipit guys sent me an invitation for doing something...

lunedì 20 novembre 2023

Magazén 2006 2012 music archive.


Michele Bertoni's Magazén

Since 2015 I'm thinking to bring out to the light these materials composed from 2006 to 2012 about.
It has been just a question of final mixing and most important: how to put it on the digital stores.
Fixed 'em out, so, I'm really happy to announce you that you are finally able to enjoy these old 
shit world wide through: Itunes, Spotify and the common stores.

venerdì 6 agosto 2021

Liminal Ties Unveiled Virtual exhibition + JM Gallery, London - U.K.


Michele Bertoni "Liminal Ties Unveiled" J/M gallery, LondonJ/M gallery, London

Really happy to be involved in this amazing virtual exposition in United Kingdom thanks to Island To Island Art cultural group! The aim of the exihibition is "...to deepen the cultural knowledge of Sardinian art and culture, continues to be a fundamental theme, especially in this post-Brexit period. The 2021 exhibitions wishes to continue the discourse on remoteness and limitations related to the islands' environment, with the aim of opening a space for international artistic connections, in celebration of mutual heritage, cultural diversity and human connections. Sardinia is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the geologically oldest bodies of land in Europe. Its strategic position favoured historically a constant influx of populations generating organic exchanges of cultural traditions that are still present in contemporary life. Artists from different disciplines explore these connections by presenting their personally inspired works."